Spent last night printing until midnight. Lot's of catching up to do. Best part of the evening was printing a new image from Russell Ord. As always the image is amazing with lots of technical detail and deep rich colours. I don't think the web will do it justice but check out the detail in the wave ...
Summary of the times.
Dawn Lip. A new image by Russell Ord
There is a degree of normality starting to shine on Warrahwillah. The craziness of organising and opening the gallery is starting to give way to a more normal pace and the focus is shifting back to the creative. I’m not saying there still isn’t lots to do but the balance is shifting.
Over the las ...
Dawn over a stormy South Beach.
Post Easter
Southern Love
I’m having a southern ocean moment.
Yesterday morning I stood at the mouth of the Frankland River. Absolutely pristine. A variety of sea life was present. Sea eagles and wedge tail eagles flew past. The flaura was extensive and untouched by humans. The sunrise broke over the headland at the far e ...