A print from the Aerial South series was chosen for the movie/music room in this Margaret River house. The owners of the house are passionate about their music and particularly during the cool winters months the room gets plenty of use.
Being a movie room there is an implication of darkness and drama. The image was chosen as it complimented this mood and an existing artwork. This painting, by artist Nat Muir, is understated in content. The subject is the local ocean. The piece has a panoramic format. Aerial South no.3 matched all these criteria.
Once Aerial south and the painting were hung the two pieces created dark horizontal shapes on adjacent walls. Sitting below the prints is a “L” shaped couch. The darkness of the couch and it’s slightly larger presence in the room create a perfect “implied base” for the prints.
Whilst the painting has a matt surface the client chose the Warrahwillah image in a high gloss metal format. The high gloss lifted the dark tones of the image and allowed it really strengthen its visual presence in the room. The darkness of the room and positioning of windows/lighting minimised any reflections in the gloss surface. This can be a problem with high gloss metal prints.
Altogether, from a design point of view the room works very well.
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