I’m heading west tomorrow.
I would have said “heading home” but the more time I spend on the north coast the less sure I am on where home actually is. Perhaps I am destined to spend the foreseeable future splitting time between both regions and beyond.
I sit here in Yamba looking at the swell maps for Margaret River and I know as soon as I get back there I will return the favour for Yamba. Both make great launching pads into some of the best areas for ocean activity. Yamba for the South Pacific and of course Margaret River for Indonesia.
I can work with that.
If I don’t mess around the journey will take five days. There is a mass of wet weather west of here and on into the central regions of Australia. I’m going to cop the lot. On day four I should sneak out from under it for the run into Western Australia.
I’m crossing fingers for some storm activity/dramatic light on the way. Should be interesting.
I worked late last night at one of the beaches in the national park. Nice light but then I think “ok when winter brings it’s wild sunsets what will it make these images”. Pretty vivid, pretty beautiful.
I leave tomorrow but I am already planning my return. Perfect.
Hopefully see you on your way home
Safe travels!