When I first started shooting photography my sister gave me a book called “Ways of Seeing” by John Berger. Basically it discussed the idea that two people viewing the same image could get two totally different messages from it. Probably a fairly obvious concept but I remember I enjoyed it and I certainly felt enlightened.
Mid winter about two years ago I was surfing one of the back coves just before dusk and for some reason became very aware of my surrounds. The ocean was fairly glassy, the light, directional yet soft and there was almost a warm surreal look to everything. For the first time I became consciously aware of just how beautiful this region is.
Looking back with hindsight I have been living, surfing, staying all around this area for over forty years but it was only from that winter afternoon that I really took it in. I don’t know what triggered it but I love the realisation.
Getting back to John Berger what really surprises me was not that two people looking could see totally different things but the same person at a different point in time could do so as well.
The Clarence. As life has turned out I will be staying back here for a period of time and hope to get the camera out and share some of this remarkable area with you.
This was yesterday. I’m not sure what I will see tomorrow.
as one who has had the great fortune to be Clarence River-born i delight in the captured images of this paradise of the big river country
thanks for taking the time to see again